Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog Posts & Articles by DynaTech Systems

Demand Planning Made Easy with Dynamics 365 SCM

Written by DynaTech Systems | Feb 19, 2024 9:38:00 AM

In today’s dynamic business environment, accurate demand planning is necessary for the success of any supply chain. Inaccuracies in forecasts can result in lost revenue and operational inefficiencies. To address these challenges, Microsoft offers the Demand Planning app for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, a next-generation solution powered by intelligent algorithms and models. This app empowers organizations to build agile, resilient, and sustainable demand planning practices, ensuring accurate forecasting and streamlined supply chain operations.

The integration of D365 Supply Chain into your organizational framework signifies more than just a technological upgrade; it represents a strategic shift towards a more responsive and forward-thinking supply chain model. By combining advanced analytics, collaborative tools, and dynamic inventory management, businesses can position themselves to thrive in an environment where change is the only constant. This blog reflects the demand planning process and the key steps to harness the power of D365 Supply Chain for optimizing demand planning strategies.

Understanding the Demand Planning App for D365 Supply Chain

The Demand Planning app for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management is a collaborative solution designed to enhance forecasting accuracy and promote intelligent decision-making. This app leverages best-in-class forecasting algorithms and models to provide users with immersive experiences, intelligent reports, and analytics. The following capabilities make it a powerful tool for organizations:

No-Code Approach to Demand Modeling

With a no-code approach, the app allows demand planners, even those without data science backgrounds, to perform what-if planning, analyze scenarios, and optimize plans effortlessly.

Seamless Aggregation and Disaggregation

Planners can edit forecasts at different levels (corporate, product group) and instantly see the impact at regional and SKU levels. This feature enables quick adjustments and efficient decision-making.

Automatic AI Parameter Tuning

The app enhances forecast accuracy by automatically tuning AI parameters and considering external signals such as promotions or stockouts. This ensures that forecasts align with real-world conditions.

Disruption Readiness with What-If Analysis

The app facilitates interactive what-if analysis, enabling planners to assess the impact of various scenarios. Version history tracking allows for lessons learned from past changes to improve decision-making.

Effective Collaboration

Built-in collaboration features, including Microsoft Teams integration, in-product commenting, and version restoration, enable seamless communication and collaboration throughout the planning cycle.

Integrated Planning and Execution Flow

Native integration with Supply Chain Management, customizable worksheets, and exception-based planning enhance agility by aligning planning and execution seamlessly.  

The Demand Planning Process with D365 Supply Chain

Understanding the demand planning process is crucial for leveraging the capabilities of the Demand Planning app. The process involves several key steps:

1. Import Data

Begin by importing historical data, product information, site details, warehouse data, and other relevant information into the app. This step is the foundational pillar for the subsequent stages of demand planning.

2. Create Transformation

Transform imported data into time series data by identifying key columns, choosing time buckets, and shifting dates. This step is essential for preparing historical data for forecasting, allowing planners to base forecasts on relevant information.

3. Create Forecasts

Utilize various forecasting models, including Azure Machine Learning models, to generate accurate forecasts. Alternatively, leverage AI capabilities to automatically determine the most suitable forecasting model based on historical data and external factors.

4. Review and Adjust Forecast

Collaborate on the forecast, adjusting values based on different perspectives. Consider external factors such as pricing, weather, and promotional events to refine the forecast further. This collaborative approach helps to get a more accurate and reliable forecast.

5. Export Data

Once the forecast is finalized, export the data to external systems capable of consuming forecasts. This step ensures that the accurate forecast generated within the Demand Planning app is seamlessly integrated into broader business operations.

Steps to Build Agile, Resilient, and Sustainable Demand Planning

Understanding the demand planning process is crucial for leveraging the capabilities of the Demand Planning app. The process involves several key steps:

1. Embrace a Collaborative Culture

One of the key elements of successful demand planning is fostering collaboration across departments. D365 Supply Chain enables seamless communication and information sharing between sales, marketing, production, and logistics teams. By promoting a collaborative culture and breaking down silos, enterprises can ensure that real-time data is accessible to all stakeholders. This collaboration lays the foundation for agile decision-making and responsiveness to market changes.

2. Data Collection and Integration

Effective demand planning relies on accurate and timely data. Begin by collecting historical sales data, customer orders, and market trends. Integrate this data into D365 Supply Chain Management to create a centralized and up-to-date repository. Leverage the platform’s integration capabilities to connect with other enterprise systems, ensuring a seamless flow of information.

3. Utilizing Advanced Analytics and AI

D365 Supply Chain Management comes equipped with advanced analytics and artificial intelligence capabilities that can significantly enhance demand forecasting accuracy. Leverage these features to analyze historical data, identify patterns, and predict future demand trends. By incorporating machine learning algorithms, your organization can adapt to changing market conditions in real-time, enabling an agile response to fluctuations in demand.

4. Collaborative Demand Planning

Foster collaboration among cross-functional teams, including sales, marketing, and supply chain, by utilizing D365 Supply Chain Management’s collaborative features. Implement a unified communication platform to share insights, align on demand forecasts, and address potential issues collectively. This collaborative approach ensures that the demand planning process is not siloed, leading to more accurate predictions.

5. Dynamic Inventory Management

Agility in demand planning is closely tied to effective inventory management. D365 Supply Chain Management provides tools for dynamic inventory optimization, allowing organizations to maintain an optimal balance between stock levels and customer demand. Utilize features like real-time inventory tracking, automated replenishment, and order optimization to ensure that your organization can quickly adapt to changes in demand patterns.

6. Risk Management and Resilience

Building resilience into your demand planning process is essential for mitigating risks. Identify potential risks like supply chain disruptions, geopolitical issues, or market fluctuations. Use D365 Supply Chain Management’s risk management tools to create contingency plans, diversify suppliers, and establish alternative logistics routes to ensure a resilient supply chain.

7. Agile Response Mechanisms

Configure D365 Supply Chain Management to enable quick adjustments to demand forecasts. Implement scenario planning and sensitivity analysis to assess the impact of various market changes and swiftly adapt your strategies. This agility ensures that your organization can respond promptly to unexpected events, minimizing disruptions.

8. Continuous Monitoring and KPIs

Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to monitor the effectiveness of your demand planning process. Utilize D365 Supply Chain Management’s analytics and reporting features to track forecast accuracy, inventory turnover, and order fulfillment rates. Regularly review and refine your demand planning strategies from the insights gained from performance metrics.

9. Training and Skill Development

An agile and resilient demand planning strategy is only as effective as the people implementing it. Invest in training and skill development for your team, so they are well-versed in the functionalities of D365 Supply Chain Management. This includes understanding the nuances of demand forecasting, utilizing analytics tools, and effectively collaborating across departments. A well-trained team is better equipped to adapt to changes and contribute to the success of your demand planning initiatives.

10. Integration with Sustainability Practices

In today’s business landscape, sustainability is a critical consideration. Align your demand planning strategies with sustainable practices by integrating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria into decision-making processes. D365 Supply Chain Management allows you to track and analyze the environmental impact of your supply chain, helping you make more sustainable choices.

11. Implementing Change Management

Introducing a new demand planning strategy with D365 Supply Chain may necessitate a cultural shift within the organization. Implementing effective change management is crucial to ensure a smooth transition. Clearly communicate the advantages of the new approach, address concerns from stakeholders, and provide the necessary support and resources for successful implementation. A well-managed change process will foster acceptance and adoption of the agile and resilient demand planning strategy. 

In A Nutshell

In conclusion, building an agile, resilient, and sustainable demand planning process is essential for optimizing supply chain operations. The Demand Planning app for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management emerges as a powerful tool in achieving this goal. By combining intelligent forecasting algorithms, collaborative features, and seamless integration with Supply Chain Management, organizations can enhance accuracy, reduce operational inefficiencies, and make informed decisions. As businesses go through the complexities of today’s market, investing in robust demand planning tools like D365 Supply Chain’s Demand Planning app becomes a strategic imperative for sustained success.

Ready to revolutionize your demand planning with Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management? Connect With Our Experts Today!

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