Demystifying Microsoft Dynamics 365 Security Roles for Data Protection

Demystifying Microsoft Dynamics 365 Security Roles for Data Protection

In the fast-paced world of business and technology, data security is paramount. Microsoft Dynamics 365 plays a pivotal role in managing customer relationships, financials, operations, and more. To ensure the integrity and confidentiality of data within Dynamics 365, it is crucial to understand and implement different types of security roles. This blog will delve into the various facets of Dynamics 365 security roles, including Dynamics 365 data security, D365 security, Dynamics 365 assign security roles, and Dynamics 365 cloud security.

Understanding Dynamics 365 Security Roles

Security roles in Dynamics 365 are like virtual keys determining which users can access specific areas and data within the system. These roles define a user’s access level, ranging from read-only access to complete control over entities and records. Organizations can safeguard sensitive information, maintain regulatory compliance, and control access to critical business processes by effectively managing security roles.

Let’s explore the different types of security roles in Microsoft Dynamics 365:

System Administrator Role
The System Administrator role is the highest level of access in Dynamics 365. It provides unrestricted access to all areas of Dynamics 365, including record creation, modification, deletion, and security role management. System Administrators are typically responsible for system configuration and user management.

System Customizer Role
The System Customizer role is also high-level but has some limitations compared to the System Administrator. Users with this role can customize the application’s entities, forms, and views, making it valuable for system configuration and customization. However, they have a different level of access than System Administrators.

Sales, Customer Service, and Marketing Roles
Microsoft Dynamics 365 provides specific security roles tailored to various departments (sales, customer service, and marketing), granting access to relevant entities and features aligned with departmental responsibilities. For example, Salespersons can access leads and opportunities without seeing financial data.

Read-Only Role
The Read-Only role is ideal for users requiring data access without modification capabilities. It prevents unauthorized changes to records, ensuring the security of sensitive information often used by auditors, executives, and data viewers.

Custom Security Roles
Dynamics 365 allows organizations to create custom security roles. Custom roles are highly flexible, enabling businesses to define specific access levels to suit their unique requirements. Custom security roles can be tailored to grant access to individual entities, fields, or even specific records.

Global Access
Users with global access have the highest level of privileges within the organization’s Dynamics 365 environment. They can create, read, write, delete, append, append to, assign, and share records across all entities. Global access is typically reserved for high-level executives and system administrators.

Deep Access
Deep access is a step below global access but still provides extensive privileges. Users with deep access can perform all the abovementioned operations, but their scope might be limited to specific business units or teams. This level of access is often granted to department heads or senior managers who need control over some regions of the system.

Local Access
Local access is more restricted and typically granted to users responsible for specific functions or departments. Users with local access can perform the same operations as deep access but are limited to a specific business unit. This ensures they can manage records within their designated unit while maintaining data security.

Basic Access
Basic access is the most common level of access for regular users within Dynamics 365. These users can create, read, write, and delete records within their assigned business unit. However, they cannot assign or share records with others. Basic access suits sales representatives, customer service agents, and other staff members requiring essential data access.

Users with no security role effectively have no access to Dynamics 365. This level of access is used to restrict access entirely for specific users or as a temporary measure when a user’s role needs to be reassigned or updated.



Dynamics 365 Data Security

Data security is a critical aspect of Dynamics 365 security. It involves controlling access to data at the record and field levels. Here are some essential components of Dynamics 365 data security:

Record-Level Security
Record-level security allows organizations to limit access to specific records based on predefined criteria. For instance, you can restrict access to customer records based on a user’s business unit, role, or geography. This feature is precious when dealing with sensitive customer data or confidential information.

Field-Level Security
Field-level security lets you control access to individual fields within an entity. You can hide specific areas from users who don’t need to see them or restrict the editing of critical fields to prevent unauthorized changes. Field-level security ensures that sensitive information remains protected, even within accessible records.

Hierarchical Security
Hierarchical security is essential for organizations with complex reporting structures. It allows users to access data based on their position within the organizational hierarchy. For example, a regional manager can only access data related to their region, while a global manager can access data across all areas.

Dynamics 365 Assign Security Roles

Assigning security roles in Dynamics 365 is a crucial step in ensuring that users have the right level of access to perform their job operations. Here’s how you can assign security roles:

User-Based Assignment
User-based assignment involves assigning security roles directly to individual users. This method allows organizations to fine-tune access for each user based on their roles and responsibilities.

Team-Based Assignment
Sometimes, assigning security roles to teams rather than individual users may be more practical. Team-based assignment simplifies role management, especially when multiple users share the same responsibilities. Team members inherit the roles assigned to the team, streamlining the security setup.

Business Unit-Based Assignment
Assigning security roles based on business units is particularly useful for larger organizations with distinct business divisions. Users in a specific business unit receive the roles associated with that unit, ensuring access is aligned with organizational structures.

Hierarchy-Based Assignment
Hierarchical assignment is employed when security roles are determined by an individual’s position within the organization’s hierarchy. This method ensures that users at different levels of the hierarchy have access to the appropriate data.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Privileges

In Dynamics 365, security roles grant users a set of privileges that determine what actions they can perform on records and entities. Here’s a breakdown of common privileges associated with security roles:

This privilege allows users to create new records within specified entities. For example, a salesperson with the “Create” privilege for the “Opportunity” entity can create new sales opportunities.

The “Read” privilege enables users to view records in an entity. Users can access and view the records’ details but can only modify them if they have additional privileges.

With the “Write” privilege, users can edit and update existing records in an entity. This includes modifying fields and making changes to record information.

The “Delete” privilege permits users to remove records from an entity. Users can delete records they can access, provided they have this privilege.

Users with the “Append” privilege can associate (link) existing records of one entity with records of another entity. For example, they can associate a contact with an account.

Append To
The “Append To” privilege allows users to associate records of one entity to records of another entity where they have “Append To” privileges. It’s essentially the reverse of “Append.”

Users with the “Assign” privilege can reassign records to other users or teams. This privilege is often given to managers or team leaders who need to distribute workload or responsibilities.

The “Share” privilege enables users to share records they own with other users or teams. This is useful for collaboration when specific records need to be accessible to multiple individuals or groups.

Dynamics 365 Security Role, User License vs. Team Member Licenses

In Dynamics 365, the choice of licenses affects the level of access and functionality available to users. There are two main types of licenses: User Licenses and Team Member Licenses.

User Licenses
User licenses provide full access to Dynamics 365, including all its features and functionalities. Users with these licenses can have a wide range of security roles and privileges, allowing them to perform various tasks and actions within the system. These licenses are suitable for individuals who require comprehensive access and have specific roles or responsibilities within the organization.

Team Member Licenses
Team Member licenses are more restricted and are specifically designed for users who need limited access to Dynamics 365. These licenses are cost-effective and provide read access to most of the data within the system, but they come with limitations on creating and editing records. Users with Team Member licenses are often those who need to view data and collaborate but do not perform extensive data entry or management tasks.


In the era of data breaches and cyber threats, maintaining robust security measures is non-negotiable. Microsoft Dynamics 365 renders a comprehensive set of tools and features to help organizations secure their data effectively. By understanding and implementing various security roles, data security features, and cloud security best practices, businesses can fortify their Dynamics 365 environments, protect sensitive information, and drive trust among customers and partners. Dynamics 365 security is not just a necessity; it is a strategic advantage in today’s interconnected world.

Ready to explore Microsoft Dynamics 365 security and elevate your data protection? Contact us today to learn more!

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